Vine and Village
Pursuing Community Transformation in 72204
Our Community Transformation Model
We believe that to truly transform a community three critical components must be in place.
The issues that thwart true community transformation can only be overcome by a permanent change in the hearts of citizens.
There must be a significant social impact to fuel true community transformation and meet the physical needs of the community.
Economic renewal must be present in through institutions that provide education, employment, safe places to play and work, and needed goods and services
About Us
Our Mission: To be a catalyst to serve people living in and around Little Rock’s emerging University District by helping to meet their social, economic and spiritual needs resulting in Real Community Transformation.
Vine & Village was spawned from the incredible community work being done via Mosaic Church of Central Arkansas. At both Mosaic Church and Vine & Village, we believe that to truly transform a community three critical components must be in place.
First, community transformation must include spiritual renewal. Debilitating issues that thwart true community transformation, like racism, for example, can only be overcome by a permanent change in the hearts of citizens. This “changing of the heart” is accomplished best through the spiritual aspect of one’s life. As shown above, Mosaic Church is one example of a spiritual oasis in the University District…a church for all people…that specializes in “heart changes”.
Second, we believe that economic renewal must be present in a true community transformation. Thriving schools, parks, retail establishments and businesses are all a part of a healthy community. These institutions provide education, employment, tax revenue, safe places to play and work, and needed goods and services for the people in the community. Mosaic Church and Vine & Village have played a big part in the renewal of the University District by moving into the former Wal-Mart store on Colonel Glenn Avenue several years ago. By resurrecting that “forgotten” building, Mosaic has since drawn other businesses to this strip mall that was dark, unsafe, and not producing jobs or tax revenue. Our commitment to economic development will continue as we move our location, this time as owners instead of renters, to the former K-Mart store at the corner of University and Asher/ Colonel Glenn. This beautiful new building will be a community center (including a park and a playground) that will also house Mosaic Church and the Vine & Village offices. Read more
Our Passion and Purpose
"We exist to improve the quality of life for the people living in and around Little Rock's emerging University District by helping to meet their spiritual, social, and material needs."
“In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.”
Our Team
This is who we are

Paul Kroger
Executive Director
Georgia Morris
Executive Director
Patricia Shade
Executive Director
Steve Sanford
Executive DirectorPrograms
Celebrate the Work of Vine and Village in Our Community!
Guiding Principles
Relocation: Living Among the People:
We must BE the community, not just “reach out” to the community.
Leadership Development:
We must develop local community leaders to support the community in the future.
Listening to the Community:
We must listen to the people in this community to understand their real needs, not just assume we know.
Holistic Approach:
We must leverage the impact of multiple Vine & Village programs and other community partners to best meet the spiritual, social and material needs across the community.
We must focus on developing self-reliant individuals and families in this community, who are empowered to succeed on their own.
Executive Director:
Paul Kroger
Board of Directors:
Mark DeYmaz, Paul Kroger, Mark Langston, Fredrick Love, Valerie Pruitt, Natalie Staley.
Program Leaders:
The Orchard: Alice Greene
Fresh2You: Paul Kroger, Applications are being accepted
CPR Chess Club: Georgia Morris
EAIS: Steve Sanford
Extended Family: Paul Kroger, Applications are being accepted
Crescendo Adoradores Music School: Jorge and Diana Bazan
FAITH Network: Keneshia Bryant
We Need Volunteers
Vine and Village can function thanks to people like YOU! Regardless of your season in life, please let us know if you are interested in volunteering with us! We can help you decide which team to be a part of and when to serve.
501 350 5632
6221 Colonel Glenn Rd. Suite A.
Little Rock, AR 72204