Fresh2You Market
Who We Are
We are unique. We are innovative. Fresh 2 You Mobile Market is a non-profit mobile food distribution program in the city of Little Rock, AR. Our mission is to provide fresh produce, dairy, meat, and grains to people living in food insecurity. Food deserts are areas with little to no access to produce, meat, and dairy. According to the Feeding America survey in 2018, 20% of the Little Rock area live in food insecurity. The need is great, the opportunity is tremendous. Our bus makes access to healthy foods a possibility for hundreds who need it. Read on to see how you can make a difference.

Get Involved
Currently, we run the mobile program one day a week in the city of Little Rock. Do you want to help serve on the bus? But we want to scale up and reach more people! Would you like to help us scale up in service on other days by being part of new serve teams?

We rely on the generosity of individuals, business, and organizations to feed the people of our city. Through your donations, we can reduce the number of people going hungry! We can bring healthy groceries to those who live in food deserts. We can change one life at a time. Here are 3 ways to give:
1 – Monthly Sponsor
- As an individual or a business, you can sponsor a recurring amount each month. Because of our efficient processes and partners, for every $7 you sponsor we can feed a family 2-3 days worth of groceries! Imagine what we could provide with your $50 a month! We will be excited to celebrate you on our social media and yearly as one of our Core Sponsors!
2 – One-time Sponsor
- Custom Sponsorship: As an individual or a business you can sponsor a whole month! Pick a month out of the year and own it. You, your business, or your organization can sponsor one month’s worth of feeding people! You can even bring a team to help serve one day that month. In appreciation, we will use our social media, online presence, and bus to promote your business as a top sponsor! Our bus is a mobile billboard ready to partner with your business! Together we can work out a great marketing package.
- Full Month Sponsorship: is $2,000. That covers all of our operating costs for ourone day a week program serving 8 locations and 300 families!
- Expansion Month Sponsorship: would be $4,000. That would position us to expand to two days a week and the potential to double our impact by reaching 16 locations and feeding almost 700 families a month!
3 – Product Donations
- Donate by providing goods for us to distribute. As a company, you could donate food items, bags, or even health-related items for us to give out. Even individuals can donate items from their family or community garden. To donate goods, please reach out to us today at: [email protected]
We grow and succeed through the promotion and referral of people just like you! Follow us, then Post and Tag about us on your social media. Promote us to your business, your church, or even your neighborhood! Don’t go it alone, find others to get involved with you! The more we link arms together the more we can push back the enemy of hunger for the families of our city! Let’s do this together!

To Serve, Give, or Advocate please reach out to us today at – [email protected]